Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer is Over!

Summer is over...finally! I love the fall so much I've already completed a Halloween piece!

Here are two pieces I completed in the last couple of months.

Bicycle Girl, July 2011

Red Panda, August 2011

I love the red panda. They're an endangered species living quietly in remote areas of the Himalayas, China, and Nepal. Slightly bigger than my fluffiest house cat, they prefer sleeping on a sturdy branch with their legs dangling down. They are also quite fond of sticking their tongues out, or getting photographed with their mouths open--so cute I just had to capture it! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cayt, these are excellent! I love the red panda one! I can't wait to see more of your work (and more of you!) X)!